Whitby House Cottage Building Historical Research
By Andy the stuff doer
We’re really interested to know the history of the cottage we are renovating. We need this information to inform the decisions we have to make.
We’re prepared to put the effort in to getting this done right. This will involve loads of research and investigations.
Any thoughts, comments, advice, suggestions or encouragement will be most welcome. Please add your comments below. (click the article title first if the box isn’t there)
For those that haven’t already seen the associated pages covering where we are up to, here is a good starting point for details of the cottage renovation. A list of the cottage renovation related blog posts can be found here.
If you want updates of progress via Facebook , there’s an iDoStuff page, just click “like” to get the news feed.
Thanks in advance for any input you can give us
“Stuff Doer” Andy , “Other Half” Wendy.